Magnesium Mg,Fe – Super

Magnesium Mg,Fe – Super

180.00 ден

It can be blended with all types of plant protection products, and it is
recommended that "Magnesium Sulfate – Super" should be first dissolved.
It contributes to improved fertilization, ripening, increased
yields and better quality of agriculture plants, especially
viticulture, horticulture and pomiculture.

Package: 1L


- Magnesium (MgO) ……………………………………… 6%
– Ferrum  (Fe) ……………………………………………… 0.2%
– pH …………………………………………. 5.5 – 6.5
It is applied for foliar nourishment (nourishment through the leaves) of all
types of agriculture plants or by irrigation through “slow drip irrigation”
or “drop by drop” system, in dosage of 0.5% or 500 ml solution
“Magnesium Sulfate – Super” in 100 L water, and during irrigation it should be
dosed as a 5 L solution per 1 ha.
Recommended: This solution is especially recommended for
protection against chlorosis (yellowing of leaves), as its composition
is adjusted to the plant’s needs of Mg and Fe in the
Plants can easily access the elements in the solution, and the effects
in case of chlorosis can be noticed in 5 to 7 days. Thus,
it is recommended to be applied in every spraying 3 to 5 times during
a vegetation

Storage: It should be stored at a temperature above 5 °C, any lower temperature will result in forming crystals that would melt again, thus making the process longer. Changes in physical shape do not affect the quality.
Use before date: In its original sealed package, shelf life is indefinite.
It is free from toxic materials and heavy metals.

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